Counter Drone Events and Venues
The Challenge – Counter Drone Events and Venues
Counter Drone Events: All over the world, the growth in numbers of drones and their capabilities has created gaps in safety and security. The challenge for venue security managers is to unobtrusively secure a venue from drone intrusions whilst minimising interference to the event and maintaining public confidence. Drone incursions have become increasing sophisticated due to the proliferation of information on the internet. This has made detection and interdiction by standard security methodologies increasingly difficult and an increasing challenge for venue managers
These difficulties and the dynamic rate of change within the drone industry require new systems, processes and procedures to address this growing threat.
The Threat to Pubic Safety
Drones are already being utilised by terrorist organisations to attack both military and civilian targets.
Places of mass gathering are the desired target for terrorists and this is the challenge for event organisers and security providers.

The Threat to VIPs at Events
Without mitigation, drones can by-pass fixed security measures and fly within close proximity of VIPs.
As demonstrated below, a drone got very close to to Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor.
The Threat and Cost of Disruption
However, the threat is also the disruption of the event by drones operated by paparazzi, hobbyist or politically motivated groups which can have significant financial and reputational consequences.

The Threat Of Terrorism
There is also the threat of terrorism to Events and Venues.
The National Terrorism Threat Advisory System informs Australians about the likelihood of an act of terrorism occurring in Australia.
The system comprises of a 5 tier scale ranging from not expected to certain as shown in the below diagram.
The National Terrorism Threat Advisory System is currently at ‘Probable’.
Drones have already disrupted events, flown politically motivated messages, come within close proximity to VIPs, and destroy venues and stadiums in the war zones.
What Are The Solutions?
Whilst many companies say they have the complete solution to this issue, the truth is that the technology is still evolving.
Some companies are closer than others; some offer a single solution and others an integrated one. Some include detection only capabilities whilst other offer detection and counter drone capabilities.
In the Australian domestic environment, the detection capability is ‘generally’ lawful, but the use of counter drone technology is illegal unless you are a law enforcement agency or a similar legal standing. For more information on the legal issues follow this link (legalities).
Counter Drone Solutions searches and tests capabilities worldwide to ensure we provide our clients with an effective, lawful solution nuanced to your particular needs.
Why Us?
Counter Drone Solutions will act impartially to identify the right product, assess it to ensure it works as expected and as per manufactures specifications, ensure any legal challenges are managed, write your operations manuals, assist with the organisational change process, and train your personnel.
Counter Drone Solutions’s key personnel include law enforcement professionals with more than 50 years of combined policing experience, in both operational and management roles, who have been involved in the protection of events and critical infrastructure. The team also includes experienced personnel from the aviation industry, commercial drone sector, legal fraternity, and education, training and organisational change.
We search worldwide, visit manufactures, conduct testing and attend international conferences to locate the products we consider are relevant, perform as stated and as expected to meet the needs of this industry. These products are then added to our approved product list and made available to our clients. Where our approved products do not suit the requirements of an individual client, we continue the search until we find the solution.
Contact us today for the right advice.